Threads Statistics 2025 – Everything You Need To Know

Is Twitter’s reign under threat? Twitter has been a relatively unchallenged platform over the last 10 years.

No real competitors like Truth Social or Tribel Social have managed to get enough traction to take serious users away from Twitter.

But that could be about to change…

Threads was launched by Meta and Mark Zuckerberg on July 6, 2023 and is a direct competitor (or even a complete knockoff) of Twitter.

The latest Threads app statistics show that the Threads launch dominated the iOS App Store in over 100 countries, with a record 100 million users within the first week.

how quickly threads reached 100 million users vs other platforms

This makes it the fastest-growing social media app in history!

Threads User Statistics

The speed at which Threads took off has never been seen before.

Within just 7 hours, over 10 million people had registered for Threads.

mark zuckerberg announcement 100 million users

After 24 hours, over 30 million had signed up including-

  • Major brands
  • Celebrities
  • Journalists
  • Other prominent figures

Here is a breakdown of how quickly people signed up for Threads:

Hours/Days Number of Downloads
1 hour 1 Million
7 hours 10 Million
24 hours 30 Million
7 Days 100+ Million

how quickly people signed up to threads
In less than a week, threads had already registered over 100 million users, making it the fastest-growing social media app. Mark Zuckerberg, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Meta, said that this had mostly come from organic demand and that Threads had yet to spend any money on marketing.

To give you some reference of how quickly Threads has grown:

  • ChatGPT reached 100 million users in two months
  • TikTok reached 100 million users in nine months
  • Instagram reached 100 million users in two and a half years

how quickly threads reached 100 million users vs other platforms
Meta’s goal for Threads is to reach over 1 billion users. From the growth that Threads has already experienced, it likely won’t take them long.

But only time will tell!

Threads User Demographics

Now, let’s see who are the users…

According to reports, it’s estimated that about 68% of users are males and only 32% are females.

Gender Percentage
Male 68%
Female 32%

Reports found that the majority of the male (28%) belonged to the age group of 15 to 23 years, while 11% of males and 5% of females are aged between 18 to 25 years.

Reports also stated that only 2% of females and 3% of males are aged 45 years and above.


The highest number of users are from Gen Z.

Surprising? Not really when we know that most of the traffic comes from Instagram (one of Genz’s favourite social media platforms).

Not only that:

Report found that the majority of Threads users are from India, UK, Brazil, US and Canada.

Indeed, the day of its release, the Threads App was downloaded in the mentioned countries, having a share as follows:

Country Share (%)
India 22%
United Kingdom 20%
Brazil 16%
USA 14%

But this ins’t surprising either since all these countries are big social media consumers.

Reports found that 96% of the users on the Threads platform are concurrently active on Instagram, as well as:

  • WhatsApp: 80%
  • Facebook: 58%
  • Twitter: 56%

Threads User Activity

When Threads launched on July 6th, it boasted an impressive 41.79 million daily active users. This number saw a rapid increase to 49.3 million by July 7th.

However, by July 14th, the platform experienced a dramatic decline, with daily active users plummeting to 23.6 million. This marked a staggering 52% decrease in just one week.

Unfortunately, the situation worsened in August, with Threads now reporting a mere 10.3 million daily active users, representing a staggering 79% drop from its peak.

In addition to the dwindling user base, the time users spent on the app has also seen a significant decline. On July 7th, users were dedicating an average of 21 minutes per day to the app.

Fast forward to today, and users are now spending a mere average of 3 minutes daily on Threads. In contrast, Twitter boasts 200 million daily active users who invest an average of 31 minutes per day on the platform.

Threads vs Twitter (Zuckerberg vs Musk)

After spending a couple minutes of Threads you’ll realise that it is positioned to Rival Twitter.

twitter vs threads

What’s more?

Twitter has accused Meta of stealing trade secrets by employing past Twitter employees to work on the Threads app.

But Meta has denied this, saying:

“No one on the Threads engineering team is a former Twitter employee”.

Twitter has threatened to sue Meta over the Threads app. Clearly, Twitter is annoyed and even a bit worried.

But is Threads likely to kill Twitter altogether?

Short answer – No, probably not.

Here’s what we think:

Threads have pulled mostly Instagram users over to its new app.

Most users on Threads are likely completely new to the Threads/Twitter style – Less visual, more text-based.

This means 2 things:

  1. The overall market has been expanded.
  2. Most of the growth ISN’T coming from Threads stealing Twitter’s users.

It is very likely that both Twitter and Threads will survive.

But based on the most recent Threads statistics, it looks like Threads will eventually exceed Twitter in terms of total and daily active users.

Despite what you think of him, Mark Zuckerberg is smart and has a huge track record of building and buying massive social media companies.

With Threads already gaining traction, it’s only natural to think they will continue to grow.

It will come down to whether Instagram users like and engage with the new Threads platform and the style of content it presents.

Threads Shocking Data Collection

Are you considering signing up for Threads?

There’s something you should know first.

Threads have some serious data collection and privacy issues you need to be aware of.

data collected by threads

It’s so bad that the Threads app is NOT YET AVAILABLE within the European Union due to the data share complexities between Instagram and Threads.

Here are some of the key points to think about:

The Threads app collects user data across 25 different categories – which is more than Twitter.

What kinds of data do Threads collect?

Here is a curated list:

  • Web browsing history
  • Physical addresses
  • Health and fitness information
  • App usage
  • Installed applications
  • In-app search history

  • Web browsing activities
  • Calendar events
  • Contacts
  • Voice recordings
  • Music files
  • Audio files
  • Photos
  • Videos

  • SMS messages
  • In-app communications
  • Emails
  • Payment card information
  • Bank account details
  • Other financial data

Imagine if you had all of this information on one of your friends. It’s safe to say that you would know them almost better than you know yourself!

Threads also collect biometric data, sexual orientation and ethnic information.

All of this data is likely for ads on the Threads platform.

With this level of data, it would be easy to show you more targeted ads – something Meta is already excellent at.

But there is also the fact that this data will be tied to your Instagram profile, even as far as your Facebook profile.

Meta will be able to potentially target you on three major social media platforms (not including WhatsApp or Messenger)


Although social media seems free, there is always a cost somewhere.

The location data collection alone is not unique to Threads and is commonly recorded by most other social media companies.

But the other levels of data they have access to are certainly pushing the privacy boundaries.

What Is Threads?

Threads is a new social media app owned by Meta – which also owns:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Messenger
  • WhatsApp

Threads was officially launched on July 6, 2023 and was designed by the same team behind Instagram.

threads app screenshot

Here’s why that’s important:

Launching any new social media site isn’t easy.

Social media user statistics show that competition for your attention between social media sites is fierce.

So what Zuckerberg and the Instagram team did was clever…

To access Threads, you need to use your Instagram account. Within a couple clicks, you can launch your profile on Threads.

No lengthy signup process required.

threads quick signup

This is one of the big reasons it has become so popular so quickly.

The concept of using the platform is straightforward. You can create posts up to 500 characters long and include things like:

  • Links
  • Photos
  • Videos (up to 5 minutes in length)

People can then comment, like and repost on any Threads you create.

This allows for easy conversations, helping users be creative and share their opinions.

If you switch from Twitter, you will feel very comfortable because of the platforms’ similarities.

But it gets even easier…

Users can follow every account on Threads that they follow on Instagram with one click.

This means that major Instagram accounts can enjoy the same level of followers, making the transition process seamless for all users.

Pretty smart, right?

Threads also have its own recommended accounts algorithm that shows you new accounts you might be interested in following.

But there is one thing you need to be aware of:

Leaving Threads is not straightforward.

You can ONLY delete your Threads profile by deleting your Instagram profile.

No one is going to do that, right?

This also isn’t made very clear when you are signing up for Threads. Make sure you consider this before deciding to create a Threads account.

Meta launched Threads on the iOS App Store in Canada before releasing it in over 100+ countries worldwide.

The app has quickly become the most popular app on Apple’s App Store and ironically – is a top trending topic on Twitter.

top free app most downloaded in the app store

Wrapping It Up

So there you have it…

The latest Threads statistics that show just how fast the new social media app is growing.

There is no doubt that Threads has already established itself as a major social media player.

But the big question is…

Will it continue?

It’s early days for Threads.

While the new social media app has had massive success at launch, long-term success depends heavily on adoption by users.

This is the biggest risk but also something that Meta has proven themselves to be able to deliver on for years.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Threads has now grown to over 150 downloads and 100 million daily active users. They have broken records by gaining over 10 million users within the first 7 hours after launch. It's estimated that Threads is still growing at about 1-2 million users per day.
The Threads app is meant as a place for users to have a conversation, share opinions and ideas. You can follow and engage with your favourite accounts and people online. Threads is also a place to share short videos, images and relevant links.
On July 14, Threads daily users plummeted to 23.6 million, marking a staggering 52% decline in just one week. In August, daily users further sank to 10.3 million, a crushing 79% drop from its peak.
Threads is owned by Meta. Meta was founded by Mark Zuckerberg and currently owns a number of major social media sites including Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp.

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