JavaScript SEO

What Is JavaScript SEO?

JavaScript SEO focuses on optimizing websites that use JavaScript to ensure search engines can crawl, render, and index their content.

Techniques include server-side rendering, improving load speed, and proper use of dynamic content to enhance visibility and rankings in search results.

Proper JavaScript SEO can improve your website’s visibility and ranking in search results.

Crawling and indexing JavaScript-based websites is more complicated than standard websites for search engines like Google.

JavaScript SEO makes it easier for search engines to understand the website and its content.

As a result, the JavaScript website will get more visibility and rank higher in the search results.

JavaScript SEO is considered an advanced aspect of search engine optimisation. It typically requires more technical knowledge and experience.

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How Does Google Process JavaScript?

Google processes JavaScript in 3 different phases:

  1. Crawling
  2. Rendering
  3. Indexing

how does google process javascript

The first thing Google does is crawl the HTML content on the page. This helps Googlebot understand the structure of the page.

Google then renders the JavaScript content. Because JavaScript takes time to render and involves a lot more resources, it slows down the indexing process.

That’s why JavaScipt SEO is so important.

It’s also why Googlebot will choose to render the JavaScript last.

After rendering the JavaScript, Google will then index the content and add the page to the search results.

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