Sneeze Page

What Is A Sneeze Page?

A sneeze page is a strategic web page that lists specific pieces of content from your website in a single, easily accessible page.

Think of it as a curated list that draws attention and encourages users to explore more of your site like our SEO Case Studies sneeze page.

seo case studies sneeze page example

The primary purpose is to showcase your best content on a particular topic, making it easier for users to discover what they need.

Or for example, I could create a sneeze page, “Ultimate Link Building Resource Guide, “ featuring all my top link building strategies.

I would simply list all of the links to each link building tutorial and provide a short description of what the users will learn.

I would also add other elements to the page, like images to boost engagement.

This sneeze then acts like a funnel to push users to my best link building content.

Now, I know what you’re thinking…

Aren’t sneeze pages the same as category pages?

Short answer – No.

The sneeze page format is more like a curated blog post roundup. It simply directs users to your best content around a specific topic.

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What Are The Different Types Of Sneeze Pages?

These are four primary types of sneeze pages:

1. Topic-Based Pages

Topic-based sneeze pages organise content around specific subjects or themes.

For example, a marketing blog could have individual sneeze pages for-

  • Content Marketing Resources
  • Social Media Strategies
  • Email Marketing Guides
  • Paid Advertising Tutorials

When people click on these individual pages, they see your best content on that topic. They can click through to whatever interests them most.

2. Best-Of Content

These collect your most popular or highest-performing content pieces in one place.

This could be based on a specific topic or a complete roundup of that week’s top-performing content.

For example:

  • Top 10 product reviews of this year
  • Weekly roundup of the most engaging articles
  • Most popular tips for a better x
  • 5 must-know strategies to x

You get the point…

It’s like giving your readers a curated list of the best content on a specific topic or time period.

3. Problem-Solution Guides

Problem-solution sneeze pages organise content based on specific problems your audience wants to solve.

Let’s say you run a website about home improvement. You could create a sneeze page with your five most important guides on DIY home improvement for beginners.

Visitors would land on that page and can quickly learn what they need to know about home improvement.

The key is choosing the best content that works together to provide all the information the reader needs.

4. Time-Based Information

Lots of news websites still use time-based sneeze pages today.

They’re usually framed as the top news stories of the day or week.

The reader lands on the sneeze page and can quickly pick up the headlines of the day and read the stories they’re interested in.

If you’re in an industry with lots of time-based content, you can use this type of sneeze page to boost engagement.

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Are Sneeze Pages Still Effective?

Although sneeze pages are less effective than they once were, they can still boost engagement on your site if used correctly.

The truth is that the way people consume information online has changed.

So, having a page with a list of links and short descriptions doesn’t work as well as it once did.

What does that really mean?

Sneeze pages have evolved.

Your sneeze pages need to feature high-quality curated content, engaging images, and descriptions that get people to click through.

Think of it more like a landing page that quickly captures the reader’s attention and directs them to specific parts of your site.

When done right, sneeze pages provide tons of value to your readers and boost your internal linking strategy – funnelling traffic to your most important pages.

Internal Linking

Who doesn’t want that, right?

But the key is organisation and relevance. Don’t just throw random content together on a page and expect it to work.

Create meaningful collections of your best content that keep your audience coming back for more.

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