YMYL Pages

What Are YMYL Pages?

YMYL “Your Money or Your Life” pages feature content about topics that could impact a person’s future happiness, health, financial stability or safety.

YMYL pages are held to higher standards by Google and scrutinised much more because they can significantly influence users’ well-being.

The term “YMYL” comes from the Google quality rate guidelines.

It is designed to help human Google quality evaluators understand how to assess YMYL pages and content. Google quality evaluators can adjust the rankings of websites based on their evaluation.

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Example Of YMYL Pages

An example of a YMYL page would be an article about legal advice on filing for bankruptcy.

This is because it offers guidance on a significant legal proceeding that can affect a person’s financial health and legal standing.

example of ymyl page

That means that Google has to be confident that the article contains only accurate and trustworthy information before ranking it in the search results.

All of the topics below are classified as YMYL by Google:

  • News and current events: Business, world events, politics, science and technology
  • Civics, Government and legal: Voting, government policies, social services and legal issues
  • Finance: Financial advice on taxes, financial planning, banking, insurance, investing
  • Shopping: Research and information related to purchasing products and services such as affiliate marketing sites
  • Health and Safety: Advice and information on medical issues, drugs, hospitals, emergencies and more
  • Groups of people: Relates directly to race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, nationality and even age
  • Other: Information on topics that are influencing people to make a decision

It’s important to understand that different types of YMYL pages are held to higher standards than others.

An article about treatment for a medical issue will be scrutinised more than an article about buying a laptop.

Both could be considered YMYL content – But the medical issue will likely impact a person’s life much more.

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Why Are YMYL Pages Important?

YMYL pages are important because they influence critical aspects of users’ lives.

That means that the quality and accuracy of the content could have significant real-world consequences.

Search engines like Google have much higher standards for YMYL pages.

They must be confident that the user will receive reliable and trustworthy information from authoritative sources.

If you write any content in a YMYL niche – You must step up your game to rank in Google.

What Is The Difference Between EEAT and YMYL?

The difference between EEAT and YMYL is what Google uses each guideline for and how they are applied to different types of content.

EEAT is about content quality and credibility.

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It applies to all content written on every topic.

YMYL identifies and measures the content’s potential impact on the reader’s well-being. It is applied only to specific topics.

But there is a relationship between EEAT and YMYL…

Let me explain:

EEAT stands for-

  • Experience
  • Expertise
  • Authoritativeness
  • Trustworthiness

These are all factors Google uses to assess the overall credibility of a webpage and the creator of the content.

YMYL refers to the type of content that directly impacts a person’s life. To rank a YMYL page, you will need to demonstrate almost perfect EEAT.

When optimising YMYL pages, you must use EEAT best practices to help rank the content.

SEO Best Practices For YMYL Pages

Follow these best practices for YMYL pages:

  1. Create quality user-focused and unique content
  2. Link your content to relevant external sources
  3. Follow the on-page SEO best practices
  4. Build high-quality links to your content
  5. Keep your YMYL content fresh and up-to-date
  6. Make sure you answer your user’s search intent
  7. Don’t over-monetise your YMYL pages
  8. Demonstrate clear EEAT on the page

Check out our complete YMYL tutorial to learn how to optimise your YMYL pages step by step.

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