Twitter User Statistics 2025: What Happened After “X” Rebranding?

Is Twitter still popular in 2025?

Well, it was until it was rebranded into “X” on July 24th 2023.

2022 was a big year for Twitter, with Elon Musk becoming the new owner of the platform – Although some users weren’t happy with the takeover and decided to leave the platform – Twitter still remains one of the most popular social media platforms out there.

The truth is that Twitter lost around 32 million users since the takeover but still has managed to generate $4.4 billion in 2022.

Let’s dive in to what you need to know about Twitter after the X rebranding.

Twitter Statistics 2025 (Top Picks)

This section provides a snapshot of key Twitter statistics:

    • Twitter has 368 million monthly active users.
    • Twitter’s revenue in 2022 was $4.4 billion.
    • The United States leads with 95.4 million Twitter users, with 41.5 million of them being monetizable daily active users, spending an average of 30.9 minutes per day on the platform.
    • The largest audience demographic on Twitter (38.5%) falls in the 25 to 34 age group.
    • Twitter’s valuation stands at $41.09 billion in 2023.
    • Globally, Twitter ranks as the 12th most popular social media platform.
    • The Twitter user base is comprised of 68.1% male and 31.9% female users.
    • Elon Musk holds the top spot as the most followed person on Twitter/X, with 156.8 million followers.

Twitter Has Rebranded As “X”

On July 24th 2023 Twitter rebranded as “X” following its acquisition by Elon Musk. This rebranding signifies Musk’s vision for Twitter to evolve into an all-encompassing app offering a wide array of features and services beyond its original social media purpose.

Who Are The Twitter Users?

Twitter has a very specific user base.

There are key demographics and users that are attracted to Twitter because of how the platform operates. Here is a breakdown of the average Twitter user.

Twitter Users Broken Down By Gender

Twitter has one of the highest differences in users by gender.

The platform is male-dominated with 68.1% of all Twitter users being male. Just 31.9% of Twitter users are female.

Gender Percentage Of Users (%)
Male 68.1%
Female 31.9%

Other social media sites such as Instagram or LinkedIn have a much more equal user base in terms of gender.

For example, 48.4% of all Instagram users are female while 51.6% are male.

This is a much more equal balance between men and women.

Twitter Users Broken Down By Age

Twitter users tend to be used by younger people.

While platforms like Snapchat and TikTok have been the most popular platforms for people under 18 years old, Twitter has done a good job at carving out its own user base.

They have maintained a unique platform that attracts certain age groups.

This is the breakdown of Twitter users by age group:

Age Group Percentage Of Users (%)
13 to 17 6.6%
18 to 24 17.1%
25 to 34 38.5%
35 to 49 20.7%
50+ 17.1%

What this means is that 59.2% of users on Twitter are between 25 and 49 years old.

Another notable point is that Twitter has a strong user base in the 18 to 24 age group.

Distribution of Twitter users worlwide

Twitter has strategically targeted young adults with the goal of keeping them on their platform as they get older.

So far these Twitter statistics suggest it’s working well.

Twitter Users Broken down By Country

The US has historically been the target country for Twitter since its launch in 2006.

The largest number of users is still in the US with almost 80 million. But Twitter has also managed to penetrate the international community with some surprising countries adopting the platform.

This is the full breakdown of Twitter users by country:

Ranking Country Number Of Users
1 United States 76.9 Million
2 Japan 58.95 Million
3 India 23.6 Million
4 Brazil 19.05 Million
5 Indonesia 18.45 Million
6 United Kingdom 18.4 Million
7 Turkey 16.1 Million
8 Saudi Arabia 14.1 Million
9 Mexico 13.9 Million
10 Thailand 11.45 Million
11 Philippines 10.5 Million
12 France 10.0 Million
13 Spain 8.75 Million
14 Canada 7.9 Million
15 Germany 7.75 Million

Most of the growth on Twitter is now coming from the international community.

Twitter is the most popular social media network in Japan, used by 64.1% of all people in the country last year. This figure is expected to increase to 68.4% by 2023.

Twitter is the most popular social media platform in Japan

India is also a big adopter of Twitter with a user base now up to 23.6 million.

India is a good option for Twitter to penetrate further because of the size of the country.

Twitter was bolstered in India by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi using the platform regularly to share news and updates about the country. He currently has the 8th most followers on Twitter in the world.

The Asia Pacific region has been the biggest growth sector for Twitter.

Users have grown from 97.8 million in 2018 to 115.9 million in 2021.

It’s expected that the total Asia Pacific Twitter user base will be about 125 million by the end of 2023.

asia pacifc twitter statistics user growth

Judging from these statistics there seems to be a lot of room for growth in Twitter’s future!

The platform has managed to penetrate the global market, covering lots of different regions and continents. This is impressive for a comparatively smaller platform competing in a very saturated social media world.

How Popular Is Twitter?

Despite the controversial takeover, Twitter has remained popular.

Indeed, Twitter’s popularity was staging for years until the takeover pushed it under the spotlight.

In The World

As of January 2024, Twitter is ranked as the 12th most popular social media site in the world.

Most popular social networks worldwide as of January 2024

In 2023, Twitter was ranked as the 14th most popular social networking site worldwide so it managed to jump up 2 spot within a year.

Ranking Platform Number Of Monthly Active Users
1 Facebook 3,049 Million
2 Youtube 2,491 Million
3 WhatsApp 2,000 Million
4 Instagram 2,000 Million
5 TikTok 1,562 Million
6 WeChat 1,336 Million
7 Messenger 979 Million
8 Telegram 800 Million
9 Douyin 752 Million
10 Snapchat 750 Million
11 Kuaishou 685 Million
12 X/Twitter 619 Million
13 Shina Weibo 605 Million
14 QQ 558 Million
15 Pinterest 482 Million

What does this really mean?

Well to give you some perspective there is a total estimated 4.48 billion social media users worldwide. That means that Twitter has a total market share of about 8.85% of the world’s overall social media user base.

Twitter Market Share

This is impressive for a social media network that has been around since 2006.

In The US

What about the United States?

The US has the largest number of Twitter users with 79.6 million users. They account for about 16.7% of all Twitter users worldwide.

Twitter In The US
But Twitter users in the United States are loyal and use the platform regularly:

    • 96% of US Twitter users access the platform monthly.
    • 52% of US Twitter users report using the Twitter platform daily.

Frequency of Twitter use in the USA

These are encouraging Twitter stats that show the loyalty of users on the site.

Twitter also has 37 million monetizable daily active users in the US.

“Monetizable users” just mean that Twitter could show these people advertisements.

Twitter has a global monetizable daily active user audience of 206 million. That means the US accounts for about 18% of ALL monetizable daily active users.

But Twitter doesn’t have long to show ads to those users.

The average US adult spent just 6 minutes per day on Twitter in 2021.

This is significantly less than a platform like Facebook where the average adult spends about 38 minutes per day.

Why Do People Use Twitter?

There are a lot of reasons to use Twitter.

One of the biggest advantages of Twitter is the speed at which information can be passed around. People use Twitter primarily to get news and for entertainment.

This is the breakdown of why people use Twitter today:

Reason Percentage Of Users
To get news 48%
To get entertainment 48%
To keep in contact with friends and family 34%
To follow brands/companies 33%
To strengthen professional network 14%
Other reasons 12%

One of the Twitter statistics that stands out the most is that people use the platform to get news, just as much as they use it for fun.

Twitter has capitalised on this making it easy to follow the latest news and get updates when big news drops.

Another encouraging statistic for businesses is that 1 out of 3 Twitter users wants to follow brands and companies. Producing great tweets regularly should mean you can grow your Twitter audience consistently!

1/3 twitter user wants to follow brands

On the other hand, just 14% of Twitter users are there to network professionally.

What Are The Most Popular Twitter Accounts?

With over 368 million monthly active users, building a huge Twitter following is not an easy task. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible…

These are the top 25 accounts with the most followers on Twitter right now:

Rank Name Twitter Handle Followers
1 Elon Musk @ElonMusk 133.1 United States
2 Barack Obama @BarackObama 133 United States
3 Justin Bieber @justinbieber 113.4 Canada
4 Katy Perry @katyperry 108.5 United States
5 Rihanna @rihanna 108.2 Barbados
5 Cristiano Ronaldo @Cristiano 108.1 Portugal
7 Taylor Swift @taylorswift13 92.5 United States
8 Narendra Modi @narendramodi 87.4 India
9 Donald Trump @realDonaldTrump 87.3 United States
10 Lady Gaga @ladygaga 84.8 United States
11 YouTube @YouTube 78.8 United States
12 Ellen DeGeneres @TheEllenShow 76.6 United States
13 Kim Kardashian @KimKardashian 75.1 United States
14 NASA @NASA 71.9 United States
15 Selena Gomez @selenagomez 67 United States
16 Twitter @Twitter 65.6 United States
17 CNN Breaking News @cnnbrk 64.1 United States
18 Justin Timberlake @jtimberlake 62.5 United States
19 Bill Gates @BillGates 62.3 United States
20 Neymar @neymarjr 61.9 Brazil
21 CNN @CNN 61.9 United States
22 Britney Spears @britneyspears 56.0 United States
23 The New York Times @nytimes 54.9 United States
24 Virat Kohhli @imVkohli 54.6 India
25 Shakira @shakira 53.8 Colombia

Most of the top 25 accounts are people with just 6 accounts in total being a brand or company. In general Twitter accounts based on personal brands tend to do better.

But that doesn’t mean business accounts don’t do well.

You just need to work hard to create personal connections with your audience.

How Much Is Twitter Worth?

Twitter’s value has changed a lot over the last 15+ years.

As the social network has grown, so has the value.

Twitter Valuation Growth

Since its first round of funding in 2007, the value of Twitter has grown significantly.

At that time it was valued at just $220,000. But 4 years later in 2011 Twitter had shown huge growth reaching a huge valuation of $9.25 billion.

2 years later, Twitter decided to launch its IPO in 2013 and valued itself at $14.2 billion as it entered the public market.

Investors agreed with Twitter’s strong valuation and the share price soared by 73% above its initial offering price.

Twitter reached its highest market cap ever in February 2021, with a value of $61.31 billion. The stock has been pretty volatile since that period dropping to $29.18 billion in May 2022.

On October 2022, Twitter was valued and sold for $44 billion.

Twitter Revenue Growth

Twitter has 2 main sources of revenue:

    • Advertising
    • Data licensing

Advertising makes up 89% of its total revenue and data licensing makes up about 11%.

Twitter revenue breakdown

Twitter has managed to grow revenue every year except in 2017, when revenue decreased by about $90 million.

Twitter made $4.4 billion in 2022.

This was an 11% decline year-on-year.

Twitter's revenue

Here is the breakdown of Twitter’s revenue since 2010:

Year Revenue (USD)
2010 $28.2 Million
2011 $106.31 Million
2012 $316.93 Million
2013 $644.99 Million
2014 $1.40 Billion
2015 $2.22 Billion
2016 $2.53 Billion
2017 $2.44 Billion
2018 $3.02 Billion
2019 $3.46 Billion
2020 $3.72 Billion
2021 $5.08 Billion
2022 $4.4 Billion

Twitter critics are fast to point out that Twitter hasn’t done nearly as much revenue as it could with the number of users they have.

This is despite the fact that Twitter has had consistent growth in revenue over the years.

The truth is…

The Twitter ads platform isn’t as good as Facebook or LinkedIn which has stopped marketers from making it part of their core digital marketing strategy.

Experts predict that if Twitter was able to create a better advertising platform its revenues would improve significantly.

It seems they have all the users and data to do it!

Wrapping It Up

That’s it for the Twitter usage statistics!

The truth is that Twitter has a very solid user base and is consistently growing – both in users and revenue. And it looks like it could just be beginning!

Twitter seems to slowly be picking up traction outside of the US in the international market. They have also catered the platform to appeal to a younger user base that will allow them to have continued growth in the future.

As a personal fan of Twitter, I am excited to see how the platform grows!

But that’s enough from me. I want to hear from you.

Which Twitter user statistics from this list surprised you the most?

Let me know in the comments!

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Twitter rebranded to X on July 24 2023 with Elon Musk replacing Twitters domain, branding and logos across it's digital properties and physical offices.

What Are Your Thoughts?

4 Responses

  1. This post really highlights the significant shifts in user behavior after the rebranding to “X.” It’s fascinating to see how the platform has adapted and what that means for the future. I’m particularly intrigued by the trends in user demographics and engagement rates!

  2. Great insights on the impact of the rebranding! It’s fascinating to see how user engagement has changed since the switch to “X.” I’m curious about the long-term effects on user demographics and if they plan to attract more diverse audiences moving forward.

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