Kickstarter Stats & Facts 2025: Everything You Need To Know

Considering launching a Kickstarter campaign?

You need to check out these Kickstarter stats first.

Kickstarter is considered the OG of crowdfunding platforms launching in 2009. It is still one of the most used and visited crowdfunding platforms in the world today.

It makes sense right…

  • Consumers get to be a part of new products being launched while also receiving a discount and other rewards
  • Businesses get the funding they need for their ideas.

It’s a win-win! But the truth is just because you launch on Kickstarter doesn’t mean you are guaranteed success.

There are lots of factors that determine the success of a campaign and different types of products have better success rates than others.

These useful Kickstarter stats will show you what it takes to be successful on Kickstarter and what you need to think about before launching your own campaign.

Let’s dive in.

Kickstarter Stats & Facts Summary

Kickstarter certainly has a big resume when it comes to crowdfunding.

kickstarter key statitics

These are some of the biggest Kickstarter stats you need to know:

  • There have been 650,798 projects launched on Kickstarter in total
  • $8,509,191,883 has been pledged/donated to Kickstarter projects
  • 272,205 Kickstarter projects have been successfully funded through the platform
  • Kickstarter has had 23,847,217 total backers on projects
  • They have about 33% repeat backers which now totals 8,280,173
  • 93,055,606 total pledges have been placed with the average backer pledging to 3-4 campaigns

These Kickstarter stats paint a picture of a successful platform with a history of connecting backers with the right projects.

It has made Kickstarter one of the most trusted crowdfunding platforms in the world.

Kickstarter Stats: Projects Overview

There are certainly a lot of backers on Kickstarter looking for projects to back.

But what about the Kickstarter projects themselves?

Here are some project-based Kickstarter stats to pay attention to:

  • Since the beginning, there have been 650,798 projects launched on the site
  • A total of $8.51 billion has been pledged to Kickstarter projects since the start of the platform
  • Kickstarter has a 39.11% global success rate which is extremely high for a crowdfunding site and this number is increasing every year
  • There has been a huge $7.85 billion in successful dollars
  • There has only been $632 million in unsuccessful dollars
  • Currently, there is $23 million in live dollars that have been pledged to campaigns
  • There are currently 2,307 live Kickstarter projects with new ones starting every day

One of the big standouts in this group of Kickstarter project stats is the successful dollars vs unsuccessful dollars.

The truth is that Kickstarter seems to be a great place to test the concept of your project.

Most times Kickstarter projects that get completely funded go on to be successful.

If you have a great idea, Kickstarter can help you verify your idea, find your consumers and turn it into a successful business.

Which KickStarter Categories Get The Most Pledges?

It’s no secret that some categories on Kickstarter get more pledges than others.

most pledged categories

These are the top 3 categories:

Ranking Category Lifetime Pledges (USD)
1 Games $2.63 billion
2 Design $1.78 billion
3 Technology $1.66 billion

What really makes these Kickstarter stats important is the fact that a huge 92% of all 1 million Kickstarter projects were in the games, design and technology categories.

Kickstarter projects stats

If you have a product in any of those categories, you have a much higher chance of running a successful project on Kickstarter.

#1 – Games

Games have always been a popular category on Kickstarter.

The COVID-19 pandemic only increased its popularity as people were spending more time inside their homes.

In 2020 alone table-top board games raised $234 million in pledges.

This was a 30% increase on 2019 – where board games raised $176 million.

This is the full breakdown since 2015:

Year Pledged (USD)
2015 $84.6 Million
2016 $101.2 Million
2017 $137.77 Million
2018 $165 Million
2019 $176.3 Million
2020 $233.8 Million

Today, the total pledges of the game category represent $2.37 billion.

#2 – Design

Design is a huge category with lots of different products.

Collectively since the beginning of Kickstarter design projects have raised $1.78 billion in pledges. This makes it the second most popular Kickstarter category.

Part of the reason that design is a successful category is that it has so many products and projects that fit into it.

#3 – Technology

Technology covers projects that are new and innovative in the tech space.

They are primarily physical projects.

To date, technology Kickstarter projects have a total of $1.65 billion in pledges. This makes it the third biggest category in terms of pledges raised.

The most popular technology projects tend to be innovative products that solve specific problems. Products that are too complicated don’t work well on Kickstarter.

But just because they are specific doesn’t mean they are cheap.

Technology products have proved that even high ticket items over $500 can be very successful.

It’s all about conveying value.

Which Kickstarter Categories Have The Highest Success?

Just because certain Kickstarter categories get more pledges, doesn’t mean they have high success rates to get fully funded.

categories with the highest sucess rate

These are the top 3:

Ranking Category Success Rate (%)
1 Comics 67.64%
2 Dance 61.11%
3 Theatre 59.73%

#1 – Comics

Comics are widely popular on Kickstarter.


Because they don’t cost a lot to produce and often attract large numbers of backers.

The total success rate of comics is 67.64%. This makes it the most successful category in terms of successfully reaching its goal in pledges for each project.

kickstarter comic book sucess rate

The digital versions of comics typically go for about $10 to $20. Physical print versions of comics are usually about $25 to $45.

The most successful comic producers on Kickstarter leverage the platform to create a loyal fan base of readers. That means they will create a series of comics and launch each comic as a separate project.

#2 – Dance

Dance Kickstarter projects are primarily dedicated to real dance performances.

They can be anything from social projects to for-profit projects. While not the most popular category on Kickstarter, projects do have a high success rate.

61.11% of all dance Kickstarter projects reach their target goal.

kickstarter dance projects stats

This means that dance is the second-highest category in terms of success rate.

The reason that most dance projects reach their goal is that their targets are much smaller than other projects on Kickstarter.

Dance campaigns on Kickstarter have brought in a total of $16.28 million in pledges. This is in contrast to a category like technology with a lifetime of $1.48 billion in pledges.

#3 – Theatre

Theatre is similar to dance in the way that most projects are for real-life productions.

It also has a very similar success rate of 59.73%. This makes theatre the third most successful category on Kickstarter in terms of success rate.

kickstarter theatrical projects stats

What do you get for pledging to theatre projects?

It can include anything from your name in the end credits to a digital ticket. It depends on how much you pledge and the specific theatre Kickstarter project you back.

How Many Kickstarter Projects Were Successfully Funded?

Most successfully funded projects raise less than $10,000.

Having a lower target on your Kickstarter project means that you increase the chance of getting fully funded.

It’s important to note that lots of projects set lower targets of around $10,000 and end up far exceeding this number.

Most sucessful Kickstarter projetcs

Kickstarter limits projects by time rather than pledge amounts. That means you usually have 30-60 days (you choose) to raise as many pledges as possible – even if you achieve your goal early.

There is also a growing number of campaigns that have six, seven and in very rare cases, eight-figures. It comes down to the quality of your product and knowing what your audience wants.

To date, there have been 272,205 successfully funded projects.

successfully funded projects

Here’s the breakdown of how much those successfully funded projects raised in pledges:

Successful Projects Amount Raised (USD)
35,265 Projects Raised less than $1,000
143,252 Projects Raised between $1,000 to $9,999
39,330 Projects Raised between $10,000 to $19,999
41,625 Projects Raised between $20,000 to $99,999
11,850 Projects Raised between $100k to $999,999
883 Projects Raised $1+ million or more

Statistically, this means 66.4% of successful projects had a target of less than $10,000. On the other hand, just 4.2% of successful projects raise over $100k.

Keep this in mind when you are creating your own project.

Smaller targets generally attract more backers than projects that have huge targets.

Which Categories Got The Most Successfully Funded Projects?

3 categories have more projects that have been successfully funded than all the other categories.

most successufully funded projects

Here is the breakdown of them:

Ranking Category Total Successful Projects
1 Games 47,068
2 Music 35,767
3 Video & Film 33,761

Why care about the total number of successful projects in each category?

Simple – A pool of backers is potentially limited in each category.

The categories that have the most successful projects in total probably have more backers. If you run a campaign in those categories you increase your chances of success.

#1 – Games

As we have seen, games are a good category for Kickstarter campaigns.

It has the highest number of lifetime pledges and comes in 1st place for successfully funded projects with 47,068 projects.

Games is by far one of the most popular categories on Kickstarter with high success rates and a ton of successful campaigns. Not to mention the number of pledges the category has attracted.

#2 – Music

Here’s the truth:

Music is competitive.

Up-and-coming artists look to Kickstarter to try and fund new albums.

The competition is fierce.

But since 2009 there have been 35,767 fully funded music projects. This makes it the number #2 category on Kickstarter for successfully funded projects.

The average successful Kickstarter project in the music category asks for a pledge of $4 for a single song. For an album, the average is about $13. Most projects have goals of less than $8,000.

Popular music campaigns also tend to include higher pledge bundles that include merchandise and posters. Music is another category on Kickstarter that artists use to build a loyal following as well as raise money.

#3 – Film & Video

Film and video is an interesting category.

They have the thrid-highest number of successfully funded projects at 33,761. But film and video also have the second-highest failure rate.


There are tons of film and video projects. In fact, film and video come in 9th place for total funds raised attracting $592.83 million in pledges since 2009.

These Kickstarter stats tell us that the film and video niche is competitive but does have a lot of backers willing to pledge to projects.

What Are The Most Successful KickStarter Projects?

Now you have a good idea of what categories tend to be the most successful on Kickstarter and which categories attract the most pledges.

But what about specific projects?

These are the top 15 most successful projects on Kickstarter as of February 2024, in terms of pledges:

Project Backers Pledges (USD)
Surprise! Four Secret Novels by Brandon Sanderson 185,341 $41.75 Million
Pebble Time Smartwatch 78,471 $20.34 Million
Coolest Cooler 62,642 $13.29 Million
Frost Haven 83,193 $12.97 Million
Pebble 2, Time 2 Smartwatch 66,673 $12.78 Million
Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5 19,264 $12.39 Million
EcoFlow DELTA Pro: The Portable Home Battery 3,199 $12.18 Million
Travel Tripod by Peak Design 27,168 $12.14 Million
Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina Animated Special 88,887 $11.39 Million
Pebble: E-Paper Watch 68,929 $10.27 Million
Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game 81,567 $9.54 Million
The World’s Best Travel Jacket 44,949 $9.91 Million
Marvel Zombies – A Zombicide Game 28,974 $9.03 Million
The Wyrmwood Modular Gaming Table 7,713 $8.81 Million
Exploding Kittens 219,382 $8.78 Million

What’s interesting about this list is the fact that Pebble, which creates smartwatches, launched 3 successful campaigns with different products.

All of those campaigns feature in the top 10 most successful projects ever.

In total Pebble raised over $43.39 million in pledges and had 214,073 Kickstarter backers across all 3 projects!

The truth is that Kickstarter can help you create a loyal fan base that is willing to back up different projects with different products.

Pebble eventually ended up being sold to Fitbit in December 2016. It was estimated to have sold between $34 million and $40 million.

most successful kickstarters ever

The other thing these Kickstarter stats show is that it’s not all about price.

Both high-ticket and low-ticket products can work on Kickstarter.

The key to being successful is creating great and innovative products that your audience will love.

Which Kickstarter Categories Have The Most Failures?

Not every project that launches on Kickstarter is successful.

9% of all projects never receive a single pledge and a total of 376,286 projects were unsuccessful.

kickstarter unsuccessfully funded projects

What does unsuccessful mean?

It means that the project doesn’t reach the goal that was set at the beginning.

Here’s a breakdown of the amount projects get funded:

Number Of Projects Percentage Funded (%)
58,057 0% Funded
246,104 1% to 20% Funded
39,319 21% to 40% Funded
17,826 41% to 60% Funded
7,885 61% to 80% Funded
7,093 81% to 99% Funded

That means that only about 4 out of 10 projects on Kickstarter will be successful.

Kickstarter chance of success

The good news is that the unsuccess rate of projects is decreasing each year.

This is primarily due to the fact that Kickstarter has built a lot of trust with customers as a brand and has a very good idea of how to run successful projects.

In the future, they hope to bring the Kickstarter projects fail rate below 50%.

Which Categories Got The Most Unsuccessfully Funded Projects?

The truth is that some projects are more likely to be unsuccessful based on the category they are in.

This can be because there are fewer Kickstarter backers overall or because the category is more competitive.

unsuccessfully funded projects

These are the top 3 categories that have the most unsuccessfully funded projects:

Ranking Category Unsuccessfully Funded Projects
1 Film & Video 54,479
2 Games 45,743
3 Technology 42,745

Film and video have the most unsuccessfully funded projects with 54,479 projects not funded to date.

This is despite the fact that it has the second most funded projects to date.

How is that possible?

There are just more Kickstarter campaigns in the film and video category. It simply means that there is a lot of competition.

Despite getting the third most pledges in terms of real dollars, Games is the second most unsuccessfully funded category with 45,743 projects not funded. Technology takes third place with 42,745.

Whenever you launch a Kickstarter campaign ensure that you check up on your competitors to get a better idea of what projects are out there.

What Makes A Successful Kickstarter Campaign?

Now you have a good idea of what categories tend to be the most and least successful on Kickstarter.

Ready to launch your own Kickstarter campaign?

These Kickstarter stats detail what the most successful campaigns have in common.

Launch Times And Rewards

The best time to launch a Kickstarter is on Tuesday between 8 AM and 1 PM EST. This is when the Kickstarter site receives a lot of visitors.

Best time to launch a Kickstarter projects

May and August tend to be the best months although it doesn’t seem to matter too much. December is the worst month to launch your campaign.

The top 15 campaigns ever on Kickstarter had an average of 13.7 rewards.

Kickstarter stats - rewards

Think of rewards like packages that you put together based on how much money people pledge. The more they pledge, the more they get.

Just make sure that all of your offered tangible rewards are interesting for your target audience.

One of your rewards should be something for a pledge of $1. This is a great way to collect lots of email addresses and increase your backers.

The most successful Kickstarter campaigns run for an average of 39 days.

The most successfull Kickstarter projects run for an average 39 days

Campaign Video

If you know anything about Kickstarter you will know that the project video is one of the most important parts of the campaign.

Think of the video as your number #1 salesperson.

The average video for the top 15 campaigns was 3 minutes and 11 seconds. The average video on Kickstarter goes 2 minutes and 10 seconds.

kickstarter viewed entire length analytics

Most experts recommend having a video that is between 1 to 3 minutes long for your campaign.

What’s more?

Only 20% to 30% of people will watch your entire video. That means you need to have the important things up front so as many people as possible will see them.

Kickstarter Age & Gender

Knowing who the main audience is on Kickstarter is important so you can craft the right campaign. 64% of all Kickstarter backers are male. That means only ⅓ of Kickstarter backers are female.

Gender Percentage Of Users (%)
Male 64%
Female 36%

88% of all Kickstarter users are college-educated.

How old are they?

The biggest amount of pledges come from the 25 to 34-year-old age range.

Kickstarter biggest pledgers

The second biggest group is the 35 to 40-year-olds.

This is the full breakdown by age:

Age Group Percentage Of Users (%)
18-24 11%
25-34 37%
35-44 28%
45-54 10%
55-64 9%
65+ 5%

That means that 65% of Kickstarter users are between the ages of 25 and 44.

What do all of these Kickstarter stats mean?

Your campaign will be primarily advertised to-

    • Males
    • Aged 25 to 44
    • College-educated

Keep that in mind when creating your campaign and writing your project copy.

Wrapping It Up

The challenge to creating a great Kickstarter campaign is knowing what’s going to get your audience’s attention.

kickstarter key statitics

Use these Kickstarter stats to get a better understanding of what successful campaigns look like. This will help you craft a project that appeals to your target audience and generate the results you want.


The number of successfully funded Kickstarter campaigns is increasing every year.

There is no doubt that Kickstarter is a great platform to be on and provides you with everything you need to create a viral campaign.

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What Are Your Thoughts?

One Response

  1. This post is incredibly insightful! I loved the breakdown of the funding trends and the success rates of different project categories. It’s fascinating to see how Kickstarter continues to evolve each year. Looking forward to seeing what 2024 brings for creators!

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